Monthly Archives: January 2010


  This was taken early one morning this weekend. I only had my little point and shoot camera, so the quality of the shot isn’t the best, but it isn’t terrible considering I had to prop it on the window ledge to hold steady for an 8second time exposure. 


This was actually taken about a year ago when we spent a day photographing the churches of Frederick, Maryland.  I got several shots that day that I really liked, but never got around to uploading them anywhere.  Too much happened right then.  I’ll try to mix a few of these […]

Picture a day?

Can I possibly manage a challenge like this?  I’m challenging myself to post a picture a day.  They don’t have to be new pictures.  They can old scans from the family album or shots that I took and just never shared.  Best of all there should be pictures I do […]