News & History

T-Shirt Sayings

Over the last several years we’ve managed to acquire a collection of t-shirts with sayings that are quite apropos when worn by a kid who doesn’t hear.  Just thought I would share a few of them as I get a chance.  We find them rather funny, and Ray has the […]

Cue Camp VA 2007

Yet another year of CCVA is over.  Held at the 4-H Center on the James River in Jamestown, VA, the site now feels quite comfortable and familiar.  Every year’s return to this event renews one’s passion to the use of Cued Speech as you mingle and mix with families.  I’m […]

Victory Junction Gang Camp

Victory Junction Gang Camp Dropped Ray off yesterday at the Victory Junction Gang Camp.  What an amazing place.   Took this picture at the entrance. Quite honestly, their website doesn’t do justice to the facility.  The entire design concept is just incredible.  It’s nothing like “camp” the way I knew it […]

I’m bad about updating

I know I’m really bad about updating this site. I really need to get in a better habit of thinking about updates. I’ll talk about school for this year. Ray started 7th grade which is middle school this year. One of the hardest adjustments for everyone was the time of […]

Concert Band

This picture was taken at the concert band judging held in March, 2007. You can tell that Ray is really busy here huh? He plays percussion for Concert Band. The group did really well receiving superior marks for their performances. Ray played tambourine in one selection, bells in another, and […]

Richmond Bush Race

Thought this was a good picture to share. Here is Ray and his friend Glen at the Richmond Bush Race in September ’06. The boys loved being able to listen to the race on the scanner. It was Glen’s first race and so he wasn’t sure what was really going […]