Are you having problems using this site? I’ll try to answer common questions.
I registered but there’s no where to log-in:
You no longer need to log-in to view the latest posts. Simply click on News & History in the top menu to see a chronological list of posts.
This site has actually been active for several years and has posts dating back quite some time. If you are interested in looking back through the history you can simply keep scrolling backwards, or you can select a topic from the top menu under “Other Stuff” and view those particular posts. Topics under “Other Stuff” include Gene Therapy, Rifle, and Through The Lens. If you were not a part of Ray’s journey when he was first diagnosed, you might want to click on “The Beginning” to see how he was first diagnosed with SCID.
I don’t receive email notifications of new posts:
Try to subscribe again.
If you have not previously confirmed your email address, you will see a notification saying that a confirmation email is on the way. You need to confirm your email address before you will receive new post notifications.The subject of the email will be: [Barb, Don and Ray] Please confirm your request. Be sure to check your email provider’s spam or junk folders if you do not see the email. SPAM filters are a big problem. I had to create specific filters to keep my own emails from going to spam in gmail! If you cannot find the email anywhere, then try whitelisting the email address barb.don.ray at with your email provider. If you use a desktop program such as Outlook or Thunderbird, you may need to log into your email provider’s website to do this. Once you’ve whitelisted the email address, try subscribing again to generate a new confirmation email.
If the message says that you are already subscribed, but you don’t receive notifications of new posts, then try whitelisting the email address barb.don.ray at with your email provider. If you use a desktop program such as Outlook or Thunderbird, you may need to log into your email provider’s website to do this.
What is the Guestbook?
The Guestbook is where anyone can leave a message to us and especially to Ray. Ray receives a notification for every new Guestbook entry and he’s very quick to check each one. Please leave a message when you stop by to let him know you’re thinking of him.
Is the Donation Process Secure?
Donations are processed directly through PayPal. PayPal uses SSL technology to keep your information safe. In addition, when you send a payment using PayPal, the recipient won’t receive sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number. This way, you don’t have to worry about giving away your account information.
I’m still having problems, what do I do?
You can contact Barb if you need more help. Feel free to text or IM her if you would like, or email her at barb.don.ray at or use this form to send a message. I might take a while for me to get back to you. If I get too many complaints, I’ll move the site to a commercial website.