One of the problems with being somewhat obsessive compulsive is that I get hooked on an idea and I can’t get it out of my head. This happened to me recently when I got the idea to start a group or contributor’s blog on Cued Speech. It seems that posts on Cued Speech are rarely appreciated at and even the blog seems to only just tolerate topics concerning cueing. There are a few individuals out there with their own blogs, but I’ve not found any that allow multiple contributors to post about their experiences with Cued Speech. I thought it would be a good thing to have a place where Cue Speech is the topic. So, the idea for We Cue! was born: . I bounced the idea off of a couple of people at the dinner held for Aaron Rose last Friday night. It seemed well received. Aaron even agreed to be one of the contributors. Aaron already runs his own blog, and I’ve seen some really interesting posts show up there. I’m excited to see what ideas he brings to We Cue! Now, I’m in the process of finding more contributors who are good writers, are willing to make an effort to post at least twice per month, and who have a passion for Cued Speech. I’ve talked with Sarina Roffé and Amy Ruberl and I’ve gotten the names of a few people who might be interested. Most of the cueing folks I know are in and around the DC area. I want to try and get contributors from around the country and not make this too centered around the DC area. Beth Blair, the lead CLT at Canterbury Woods has agreed to be a contributor, but she’s been overwhelmed this week as it’s the SOL time of year in Fairfax County Schools. I hope to be able to include people with a variety of reasons for being involved with Cued Speech as well. I’d like to have contributions from adult deaf cuers, CLT’s, parents of young or pre-school children, parents of now grown cuers, educators, and possibly even other individuals who support the Cued Speech community. I’ll see how it all goes. Hopefully, this will have positive benefit for anyone interested in Cued Speech.