Ray’s Celebration of Life

Date: Saturday March 9th, 2019
Time: 1PM

Messiah United Methodist Church
6215 Rolling Road
Springfield, VA 22152

We’d like to get an idea of how many people plan to attend. If possible, please let us know you’ll be attending and how many people will be with you. Please send an email to rayupdates@rayballard.com.

What I’d like for you to wear:
As most of you know, Ray was not a suit and tie kind of guy. Jeans with a t-shirt was always his preferred attire. Jeans are perfectly acceptable to wear. Additionally, Ray was involved with so many schools, groups, charities, activities, teams, etc that I’m asking everyone to try to wear something that represents how you knew Ray. I expect to see shirts representing everything from Canterbury Woods to Victory Junction. So whether you knew him from SCID Angels, Make A Wish,  IDF, Rifle, Cue Camp, a Hospital or healthcare group, Victory Junction, Duke, IWLA, NRA, Lions Clubs, Brody Bash, one of his schools or clubs or if you shared a passion with him such as Classic Cars, NASCAR, The Patriots, The Nats, The Capitols, please show up wearing a shirt or t-shirt that represents it. If you don’t have a shirt then please wear a white shirt to represent the white SCID Ribbon.

In lieu of flowers I’d like to suggest that donations be made to one of the charities our family has worked closely with such as:

SCID Angels for Life Foundation

Make A Wish MidAtlantic

Immune Deficiency Foundation
please designate the SCID Initiative


SCID Ribbon